One well-known application server is a web server. These servers are used for applications mengonlinekan website. As for the steps are as follows:
Options Indexes MultiViews .................. Etc. .........
- If through synaptic packet manager then Mark the " apache2 "
- Restart apache by typing / etc/init.d/apache2 restart
- Setting file / etc/apache2/ports.conf by editor ( vi / pico / gedit ) jiika will replace the web server port , but if you want to use the default port 80 then leave it alone do not need to be set
- If you want to change the position of a web document files , edit files etc/apache2/sites-available/default can then edit / replace section DocumentRoot / VAR / WWW switch to the desired position
- For security reasons , better change option " ServerSignature on " to " off ServerSignature "
- Install php module by typing : sudo apt - get install php5
- Next is to install the mysql database , dpat through synaptic packet manager with Mark in the : libapache2 - mod - auth - mysql
- Furthermore, the installation of PHP5 and MySQL connector package via Synaptic packet manager with Mark in the : php5 - mysql
- Type gedit / etc/php5/apache2/php.ini , find the row with the word ; extension = uncheck the point of coma .
- Restart mysql with the command / etc/init.d/apache2 restart
- Install phpMyAdmin with the way Mark on synaptic packet manager in the " phpmyadmin "
- Type gedit / etc/apache2/apache2.conf create a new alias named " phpmyadmin " and directed to the / usr / share / phpmyadminAlias / phpmyadmin " / usr / share / phpmyadmin / "
13 . To check please log in to mysql with the command mysql - u root - p or it could be through a
browser by typing : http://localhost/phpmyadmin
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